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What are the safety operation procedures of painting line?
点击:5514    发布单位:www.gdhongma.cn    发布时间: 2017-06-23
What are the safety procedures for painting line?
Safety operation rules for painting production line:
(1) equipment operators must be proficient in the construction, performance, operation and maintenance methods of various machines, and be responsible for the use of special personnel and special personnel.
(two) the operation of woodworking machinery, should wear working clothes, tie cuffs, women must wear a hat, braided into the cap; not wearing gloves, scarves and other operations.
(three) before the machine starts to work, the test must be carried out, and the parts can be operated normally before they can start work.
(four) the protective cover and protective plate shall be provided for the shafts, chains, pulleys, belts and other moving parts of the equipment.
(five) if there are abnormal conditions or other faults in the operation of the machine, the power supply shall be cut off immediately, and the parking service shall be checked and repaired.
(six) the equipment is surrounded by flammable materials, and fireworks should be strictly prohibited.
(seven) when debugging and maintaining the equipment, the main power must be cut off.